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Note: Utilizing this website for the personal or business-related reasons entails that the one agrees to the use of cookie technologies that are described in this page. Please note that if you do not agree with cookie policy described down below, discontinue the use of this website.

Therefore, we use cookies to not only analyze the website traffic, but also to improve the user experience, performance, and make this website more secure and safe. As for the third-party cookies, it helps the count, track, and analyze the traffic through Google Analytics. 

What are Cookies

When you visit a website, it saves a little text file called a cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookies have two major purposes: to improve your browsing experience by remembering your activities and preferences, and to assist us in analyzing the traffic on our website.


Performance & Advertising 

Cookies assist us in determining how well our site and web products work in various areas. We also use these to better understand, develop, and research products, features, and services, including when you visit from other websites, apps, or devices, such as your work computer or mobile device. Third-party cookies are also used to enhance and personalize our marketing messages and conversations with you.

Security & Authentication

Cookies help us offer people the proper information and tailor their experience when they sign in to Furthermore, Cookies are used to allow and support our security features, as well as to aid in the detection of harmful behavior that violates our Terms and Conditions.

Your Right to Control Cookies

You can always erase cookies that are already on your computer using your browser settings, and most browsers may be configured to prevent them from being added. However, you may be unable to use certain elements of the Website as a result of this.

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