Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse 1st Edition
Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse 1st Ed Test Bank

Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse 1st Ed Test Bank


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  • ISBN-10: 1284150453
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1284150452
  • Version: Test Bank
  • Format : PDF
  • Status: In stock
  • Language: English
  • Authors: Lucie Dlugasch, Lachel Story
  • PublisherJones & Bartlett Learning

The Test Bank Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse 1st Ed Test Bank –  Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse is a comprehensive resource which serves as a bridge between clinical experience and the role of an APN.

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as a connection between clinical practice and the responsibilities of an APN. It is a brief yet all-encompassing text that enables students to navigate the data and presentation of symptoms that must be analyzed when determining a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. The book focuses on advanced-practice, linking changes in a patient’s health to symptoms and signs, thereby helping students identify a diagnosis and the corresponding treatment. Furthermore, the text provides an explanation of the reasoning behind the decisions and choices made by advanced practice nurses in their daily work. The key features of the book include an advanced practice nursing focus, coverage of gerontology, pediatrics, maternal and mental health content that meets the requirements for core advanced pathophysiology, comparison and contrast data of similar disease states to facilitate symptom recognition and differential diagnosis, features of common diagnostic tests such as labs and imaging studies, and discussion of the impact of cultural and gender variations on the presentation of disease.

Table of Content

  • Chapter  1  Cellular Function
  • Chapter  2  Immunity
  • Chapter  3  Hematopoietic Function
  • Chapter  4  Cardiovascular Function
  • Chapter  5  Respiratory Function
  • Chapter  6  Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Homeostasis
  • Chapter  7  Urinary Function


  • Chapter  8  Reproductive Function
  • Chapter  9  Gastrointestinal Function
  • Chapter  10  Endocrine Function
  • Chapter  11  Neural Function
  • Chapter  12  Musculoskeletal Function
  • Chapter  13  Integumentary Function
  • Chapter  14  Sensory Function

Sample - Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse 1st Ed Test Bank

Chapter 1

2 reviews for Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse 1st Ed Test Bank

  1. Lucia

    Great Test bank. Best opportunity to learn easier and faster. Thank you

  2. Bob

    100% quality !

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