Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 10th Ed. Test Bank:
Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 10th Edition,
This resource combines the latest evidence-based information with an experiential approach to help students prepare for their entry into the professional nursing workforce. With a comprehensive coverage of the nursing profession, including conflict management, patient care, and staffing, students get to learn from the experience of mid- and top-level nursing managers and enhance their critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
The 10th edition has been updated to reflect the latest practices and clinical priorities in nursing leadership and management, including quality and safety, the use of technology, workplace violence, and change management. Accompanied by various student and instructor resources, this edition includes evidence-based case studies, learning exercises, and Examining the Evidence features that familiarize students with new research findings, evidence-based practice, and best practices in leadership and management.
Furthermore, Break-Out Comments and Content Crosswalks reinforce key concepts and tie chapter content to the latest standards and competencies, including AACN, AONL, QSEN, and ANA. The instructor’s manual on thePoint also provides detailed guidance on making the most of the active learning exercises in the classroom. With all these features, students are better equipped to succeed throughout their nursing education and make a positive impact in the healthcare system.
Table of Contents
Unit I : The Critical Triad: Decision Making, Management, and Leadership
Chapter 1: Decision Making, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Clinical Reasoning: Requisites for Successful Leadership and Management
Chapter 2: Classical Views of Leadership and Management
Chapter 3: Twenty-First-Century Thinking About Leadership and Management
Unit II: Foundation for Effective Leadership and Management: Ethics, Law, and Advocacy
Chapter 4: Ethical Issues
Chapter 5: Legal and Legislative Issues
Chapter 6: Patient, Subordinate, Workplace, and Professional Advocacy
Unit III: Roles and Functions in Planning
Chapter 7: Organization Planning
Chapter 8: Planned Change
Chapter 9: Time Management
Chapter 10: Fiscal Planning and Health-Care Reimbursement
Chapter 11: Career Planning and Development in Nursing
Unit IV: Roles and Functions in Organizing
Chapter 12: Organization Structure
Chapter 13: Organization, Political, and Personal Power
Chapter 14: Organizing Patient Care
Unit V: Roles and Functions in Staffing
Chapter 15: Employee Recruitment, Selection, Placement, and Indoctrination
Chapter 16: Educating and Socializing Staff in a Learning Organization
Chapter 17: Staffing Needs and Scheduling Policies
Unit VI: Roles and Functions in Directing
Chapter 18: Creating a Motivating Climate
Chapter 19: Organization, Interpersonal, and Group Communication in Team Building
Chapter 20: Delegation
Chapter 21: Conflict, Workplace Violence, and Negotiations
Chapter 22: Collective Bargaining, Unionization, and Employment Laws
Unit VII: Roles and Functions in Controlling
Chapter 23: Quality Control in Creating a Culture of Patient Safety
Chapter 24: Performance Appraisal
Chapter 25: Problem Employees: Rule Breakers, Marginal Employees, and the Chemically or Psychologically Impaired
Appendix Solutions to Selected Learning Exercises
Sara –
Five stars definitely from me
Rezo –
This site is legit. Downloaded the file n got it on my email too