This text offers current and relevant information regarding various topics including infectious diseases, natural and man-made disasters, and healthcare policies that affect individuals, families, and communities. The latest edition has been carefully revised to incorporate up-to-date data, trends, and practices, which are presented in a clear and understandable way. Real-life scenarios are also included to illustrate health promotion and public health interventions. This widely acclaimed book is highly recommended for BSN and Advanced Practice Nursing programs as it provides a comprehensive understanding of public health nursing.
Table of Content
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- About the authors
- Acknowledgments
- Dedication
- Contributors
- Contributor biographies
- Preface
- PART 1. Influencing Factors in Public Health Nursing and Population Health
- 1. Public health foundations and population health
- Public health practice: The foundation for healthy populations and communities
- Public health nursing as a field of practice: An area of specialization
- Public health nursing versus community-based nursing
- Roles in public health nursing
- Challenges for the future
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 2. History of public health and public and community health nursing
- Change and continuity
- Public health during america’s colonial period across the new republic
- Nightingale and the origins of trained nursing
- America needs trained nurses
- School nursing in America
- The profession comes of age
- Public health nursing in official health agencies and in world war I
- Paying the bill for public health nurses
- African American nurses in public health nursing
- Between the two world wars: Economic depression and the rise of hospitals
- Increasing federal action for the public’s health
- World war II: Extension and retrenchment in public health nursing
- The rise of chronic illness
- Declining financial support for practice and professional organizations
- Professional nursing education for public health nursing
- New resources and new communities: The 1960s and nursing
- Community organization and professional change
- Public health nursing from the 1970s into the twenty-first century
- Designing health care for the American people
- Public health nursing today
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 3. Public health, primary care, and primary health care systems
- Health care in the United States
- Forces stimulating change in the demand for health care
- Current health care system in the United States
- Organization of the health care system
- Forces influencing changes in the health care system
- Health care delivery reform efforts—United States
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 4. Perspectives in global health care
- Overview and historical perspective of global health
- The role of population health
- Primary health care
- Nursing and global health
- Major global health organizations
- Global health and global development
- Health care systems
- Major global health problems and the burden of disease
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 5. Economics of health care delivery
- Public health and economics
- Principles of economics—microeconomics and macroeconomics
- Factors affecting resource allocation in health care
- Primary prevention
- The context of the U.S. health care system
- PART 2. Forces Affecting Nurses in the Delivery of Public and Population Health Care Delivery
- 6. Environmental health
- Introduction to environmental health
- Healthy People 2020 objectives for environmental health
- Historical context of environmental health and nursing
- Social determinants of health and environmental justice
- Human environmental exposures
- Environmental health sciences
- Climate change
- Environmental health assessments
- Environmental exposure by media
- Right to know
- Risk assessment
- Vulnerable populations
- Precautionary principle
- Environmental health risk reduction
- Risk communication
- Governmental environmental protection
- Policy and advocacy
- Environmental justice and environmental health disparities
- Environmental health threats associated with the health care industry: New opportunities for practice and advocacy
- Referral resources
- Roles for nurses in environmental health
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 7. Application of ethics in the community
- Brief history of ethics and bioethics: Relationship to nursing and public health
- History
- Ethical decision making
- Ethical principles and theories as guides to ethical decision making
- Principles of bioethics
- Ethics and the core functions of population-centered nursing practice
- Nursing code of ethics
- Public health code of ethics
- Advocacy and ethics
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 8. Achieving cultural competence in community health nursing
- Why cultural competence matters
- Culture, race, and ethnicity
- Impact of diversity on cultural competence
- Social issues affecting culturally competent nursing care
- Cultural competence in nursing
- Culturally competent nursing assessment of clients
- Building culturally competent organizations
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 9. Public health policy
- Definitions
- Governmental role in U.S. health care
- Healthy People 2020: an example of national health policy guidance
- Organizations and agencies that influence health
- Impact of government health functions and structures on nursing
- The law and health care
- Laws specific to nursing practice
- Legal issues affecting health care practices
- The nurse’s role in the policy process
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 10. Evidence-based practice
- Definition of evidence-based practice
- History of evidence-based practice
- Paradigm shift in use of evidence-based practice
- Types of evidence
- Factors leading to change
- Barriers to evidence-based practice
- Steps in the evidence-based practice process
- Approaches to implementing evidence-based practice
- Current perspectives
- Healthy People 2020 objectives
- Example of application of evidence-based practice to public health nursing
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- PART 3. Conceptual and Scientific Frameworks Applied to Nursing Practice
- 11. Population-based public health nursing practice: The intervention wheel
- The intervention wheel origins and evolution
- Assumptions underlying the intervention wheel
- Using the intervention wheel in public health nursing practice
- Components of the model
- Adoption of the intervention wheel in practice, education, and management
- Healthy people 2020
- Applying the nursing process in public health nursing practice
- Applying the nursing process at the individual/family level
- Applying the public health nursing process to the community level of practice scenario
- Applying the public health nursing process to a systems level of practice scenario
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- References
- 12. Genomics in public health nursing
- The human genome and its transforming effect on public health
- A brief history of the science
- DNA and its relationship to genomics and genetics
- Current issues in genomics and genetics
- Personalized health care
- Genomic competencies for nurses
- Incorporating genomics and genetics into public health nursing practice
- Application and practice: Mapping out a pedigree
- The future
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- References
- 13. Epidemiology
- Definitions of health and public health
- Definitions and descriptions of epidemiology
- Historical perspectives
- Basic concepts in epidemiology
- Screening
- Surveillance
- Basic methods in epidemiology
- Descriptive epidemiology
- Analytic epidemiology
- Experimental studies
- Causality
- Applications of epidemiology in nursing
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 14. Infectious disease prevention and control
- 15. Communicable and infectious disease risks
- References
- PART 4. Community Level Interventions
- 16. Promoting healthy communities
- 17. Community as client: Assessment and analysis
- References
- 18. Building a culture of health to influence health equity within communities
- 19. Health education principles applied in communities, groups, families, and individuals for healthy change
- PART 5. Issues and Approaches in Population-Centered Nursing
- 20. The nurse-led health center: A model for community nursing practice
- 21. Public health nursing practice and the disaster management cycle
- Defining disasters
- Disaster facts
- National disaster planning and response: A health-focused overview
- Healthy People 2020 objectives
- The disaster management cycle and nursing role
- Future of disaster management
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 22. Public health surveillance and outbreak investigation
- Disease surveillance
- Notifiable diseases
- Case definitions
- Types of surveillance systems
- The investigation
- Displaying of data
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 23. Program management
- Definitions and goals
- Historical overview of health care planning and evaluation
- Benefits of program planning
- Assessment of need
- Planning process
- Program evaluation
- Advanced planning methods and evaluation models
- Program funding
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 24. Quality management
- Definitions and goals
- Historical development
- Approaches to quality improvement
- Quality and safety education for nurses
- TQM/CQI in community and public health settings
- Client satisfaction
- Model CQI program
- Records
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 25. Case management
- Definitions
- Concepts of case management
- Evidence-based examples of case management
- Essential skills for case managers
- Issues in case management
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- PART 6. Promoting the Health of Target Populations Across the Life Span
- 26. Working with families in the community for healthy outcomes
- Challenges for nurses working with families in the community
- Family functions and structures
- Family demographics
- Family health
- Four approaches to family nursing
- Theories for working with families in the community
- Working with families for healthy outcomes
- Social and family policy challenges
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 27. Family health risks
- Early approaches to family health risks
- Concepts in family health risk
- Major family health risks and nursing interventions
- Nursing approaches to family health risk reduction
- Community resources
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 28. Child and adolescent health
- Status of children
- Child development
- Immunizations
- The built environment
- Injuries and accidents
- Health problems of childhood
- Models for health care delivery to children and adolescents
- Role of the population-focused nurse in child and adolescent health
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 29. Major health issues and chronic disease management of adults across the life span
- References
- 30. Disability health care across the life span
- Understanding disabilities
- Scope of the problem
- The effects of disabilities
- Selected issues
- Role of the nurse
- Disability rights legislation
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- PART 7. Promoting and Protecting the Health of Vulnerable Populations
- 31. Health equity and care of vulnerable populations
- Health equity
- Health determinants
- Vulnerability
- Reducing disparities and improving population health outcomes
- Assessment issues
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 32. Population-centered nursing in rural and urban environments
- Historic overview
- Definition of terms
- Rural-urban continuum
- Current perspectives
- Rural health care delivery issues and barriers to care
- Nursing care in rural environments
- Future perspectives
- Building professional-community-client partnerships in rural settings
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 33. Poverty and homelessness
- 34. Migrant health issues
- 35. Teen pregnancy
- Adolescent health care in the United States
- The adolescent client
- Trends in adolescent sexual behavior, pregnancy, and childbearing
- Background factors
- Young men and paternity
- Early identification of the pregnant teen
- Special issues in caring for the pregnant teen
- Teen pregnancy and the nurse
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 36. Mental health issues
- Scope of mental illness in the United States
- Systems of community mental health care
- Evolution of community mental health care
- Deinstitutionalization
- Conceptual frameworks for community mental health
- Role of the nurse in community mental health
- Current and future perspectives in mental health care
- National objectives for mental health services
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 37. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems
- Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in perspective
- Psychoactive drugs
- Predisposing/Contributing factors
- Primary prevention and the role of the nurse
- Secondary prevention and the role of the nurse
- Tertiary prevention and the role of the nurse
- Outcomes
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 38. Violence and human abuse
- Social and community factors influencing violence
- Violence against individuals or oneself
- Family violence and abuse
- Nursing interventions
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- PART 8. Nurses’ Roles and Functions in the Community
- 39. Advanced nursing practice in the community
- Historical perspective
- Competencies
- Educational preparation of advanced nursing practice—NP versus APHN
- Credentialing
- Advanced practice roles
- Arenas for practice
- Issues and concerns
- Role stress
- Trends in advanced practice nursing
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 40. The nurse leader in the community
- Major trends and issues
- Definitions
- Leadership and management applied to population-focused nursing
- Consultation
- Competencies for nurse leaders
- Future of nursing leadership
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 41. The nurse in public health, home health, hospice, and palliative care
- Home health care
- Hospice and palliative care
- Additional nurse-led models
- Population health
- Scope and standards of practice
- Omaha system
- Practice guidelines
- Practice linkages
- Accountability and quality management
- Professional development and collaboration
- Legal, ethical, and financial issues
- Trends and opportunities
- Summary
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 42. The nurse in the schools
- History of school nursing
- Federal legislation affecting school nursing practice
- Standards of practice for school nurses
- Educational and licensure credentials of school nurses
- Roles and functions of school nurses
- School health services
- School nurses and Healthy People 2020
- The levels of prevention applied in schools
- Controversies in school nursing
- Ethics in school nursing
- Future trends in school nursing
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 43. The nurse in occupational health
- Definition and scope of occupational health nursing
- History and evolution of occupational health nursing
- Roles and professionalism in occupational health nursing
- Workers as a population aggregate
- Application of the epidemiologic model
- Organizational and public efforts to promote worker health and safety
- Nursing care of working populations
- Healthy people 2020 document related to occupational health
- Legislation related to occupational health
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 44. Forensic nursing in the community
- Perspectives on forensics and forensic nursing
- Injury prevention
- Healthy People 2020 goals, prevention, and forensic nursing
- Forensic nursing as a specialty area that provides care in the community
- Current perspectives
- Ethical issues
- Future perspectives
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 45. The nurse in the faith community
- Perspectives on faith community nursing
- History of faith community nursing
- Rationale for faith community nursing as a viable community health model
- Definitions in faith community nursing
- Faith community nursing practice
- Issues in faith community nursing practice
- National health objectives and faith communities
- Conclusion
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- 46. Public health nursing at local, state, and national levels
- Roles of local, state, and federal public health agencies
- History and trends in public health
- Scope, standards, and roles of public health nursing
- Issues and trends in public health nursing
- Models of public health nursing practice
- Education and knowledge requirements for public health nurses
- National health objectives
- Functions of public health nurses
- Practice application
- Key points
- Clinical decision-making activities
- Additional resources
- References
- Appendix A: Program planning and design
- Appendix B: Flu pandemics
- Appendix C: Friedman family assessment model short form
- Appendix D: Comprehensive occupational and environmental health history
- Appendix E: Essential elements of public health nursing
- Appendix F: American public health association definition of public health nursing
- Appendix G: American nurses association scope and standards of practice for public health nursing
- Appendix H: The health insurance portability and accountability Act HIPAA: What does it mean for public health nurses?
- Index
- Inner back cover
Sample - Public Health Nursing 10th Edition Test Bank
Chapter 1
Adam –
Very good files thanks you
Samanta –
Saples made everything clear , it works great. Thanks