Basic Nursing- Thinking Doing and Caring 3rd
Davis Advantage for Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring 3rd Ed Test Bank

Davis Advantage for Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring 3rd Ed Test Bank


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  • ISBN-10: 1719642079
  • ISBN-13: 978-1719642071
  • Version: Test Bank
  • Format : PDF
  • Status: In stock
  • Language: English
  • Authors: Leslie S. Treas, Karen L. Barnett, Mable H. Smith
  • Publisher F.A. Davis Company

The Test Bank –  Basic Nursing – Thinking Doing and Caring 3rd Ed Test BankDavis Advantage for Basic Nursing combines an innovative text with an immersive online program that make this challenging but must-know content easier to master by making learning personal.

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Davis Advantage for Basic Nursing is an educational program that combines a comprehensive textbook with an interactive online platform to enhance students’ learning experience in basic nursing. The program offers a personalized approach to learning, tracking each student’s progress and assessing their knowledge until they have mastered the concepts. The online platform includes interactive modules, case studies, videos, and other engaging resources that help students apply their knowledge to real-world situations. With Davis Advantage, students can improve their understanding of basic nursing and prepare for success in their classes, clinical rotations, and future nursing practice.

Table of Contents

I. How Nurses Think
1. Evolution of Nursing Thought & Action
2. Clinical Judgment
3. The Steps of the Nursing Process
4. Evidence-Based Practice: Theory & Research
II. Factors Affecting Health
5. Life Span: Infancy Through Middle Adulthood
6. Life Span: Older Adults
7. Experiencing Health & Illness
8. Stress & Adaptation
9. Psychosocial Health & Illness
10. Family Health
11. Caring in Multicultural Healthcare Environments 
12. Spirituality
13. Experiencing Loss
III. Essential Nursing Interventions
14. Promoting Health
15. Communication & Therapeutic Relationships
16. Patient Education
17. Documenting & Reporting
18. Measuring Vital Signs
19. Physical Assessment


20. Promoting Asepsis & Preventing Infection21. Safety
22. Facilitating Hygiene
23. Administering Medication
IV. Supporting Physiological Function
24. Nutrition
25. Urinary Elimination
26. Bowel Elimination
27. Sensation, Perception, & Response
28. Pain
29. Physical Activity & Immobility
30. Sexual Health
31. Sleep & Rest
32. Skin Integrity & Wound Healing
33. Oxygenation
34. Circulation & Perfusion 
35. Hydration & Homeostasis
36. Caring for the Surgical Patient
V. The Context for Nurses’ Work
37. Community & Home Health Nursing
38. Nursing Informatics
39. Legal Accountability 
40. Leading and Managing (Online Only in the eBook on Davis Advantage)
41. Ethics and Values (Online Only in the eBook on Davis Advantage)

Sample - Davis Advantage for Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring 3rd ed Test Bank Chapter 1

Chapter 1
