Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology 2nd Ed Test Bank

Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology 2nd Ed Test Bank


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  • ISBN-13: 978-0803694118
  • ISBN-10: 0803694113
  • Format: PDF 
  • Status: In Stock
  • Language: English
  • Author: Theresa Capriotti
  • Publisher: F.A. Davis Company

The test banks for – Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology 2nd Ed Test Bank – combines an innovative text with an immersive online program that make this challenging but must-know content easier to master.

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Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology is a unique and effective learning resource that combines an innovative textbook with an engaging online program. This comprehensive package is designed to facilitate the mastery of pathophysiology, a complex and essential subject.

When you purchase a new printed textbook, you will find an access code that allows you to unlock an electronic version of the book, along with access to Davis Advantage. This online program provides additional interactive features and resources to enhance your learning experience. Alternatively, you can opt for the all-digital Instant Access option, which provides immediate access to the ebook and Davis Advantage without the need for a printed textbook.

By utilizing Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology, you gain access to a wealth of resources that support your understanding and retention of the challenging content. The combination of the textbook and the online program provides a comprehensive learning platform that caters to different learning styles and preferences.

Whether you prefer the printed textbook or the convenience of digital access, Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology offers a comprehensive and immersive learning experience to help you master this crucial subject.

Tablel of Content

I. The Cell
1. The Cell in Health and Illness
2. Cellular Injury, Adaptations, and Maladaptive Changes
3. Genetic Basis of Disease
II. Integrated Body Processes
4. Stress, Exercise, and Immobility
5. Obesity and Nutritional Imbalances
6. Pain
III. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Homeostasis
7. Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances
8. Acid-Base Imbalances
IV. Infection and Inflammation
9. Inflammation and Dysfunctional Wound Healing
10. Infectious Diseases
11. Disorders of the Immune System
V. Hematologic Disorders
12. Disorders of White Blood Cells
13. Disorders of Red Blood Cells
14. Disorders of Platelets, Hemostasis, and Coagulation
VI. Disorders of Cardiovascular Function
15. Arterial Disorders
16. Ischemic Heart Disease and Conduction Disorders
17. Heart Failure
18. Valvular Heart Disease
19. Disorders of the Venous System
VII. Pulmonary Disorders
20. Respiratory Inflammation and Infection
21. Restrictive and Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders
VIII. Renal and Urological Disorders
22. Renal Disorders
23. Urological Disorders

IX. Hormonal and Reproductive Disorders
24. Endocrine Disorders
25. Diabetes Mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome
26. Disorders of the Female Reproductive System
27. Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
28. Sexually Transmitted Infections
X. Gastrointestinal Disorders
29. Disorders of the Esophagus, Stomach, and Small Intestine
30. Common Disorders of the Large Intestine
31. Infection, Inflammation, and Cirrhosis of the Liver
32. Gallbladder, Pancreatic, and Bile Duct Dysfunction
XI. Neurological Disorders
33. Cerebrovascular Disorders
34. Chronic and Degenerative Neurological Disorders
35. Brain and Spinal Cord Injury
36. Psychobiology of Behavioral Disorders
XII. Musculoskeletal Disorders
37. Musculoskeletal Trauma
38. Degenerative Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System
39. Infection and Inflammatory Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System
XIII. Cancer
40. Cancer
XIV. Integumentary Disorders
41. Skin Disorders
42. Burns
XV. Sensory Disorders
43. Eye Disorders
44. Ear Disorders
XVI. Aging and Multi-System Disorders
45. Pathophysiological Concepts of Aging
46. SIRS, Sepsis, Shock, MODS, and Death

Sample - Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology 2nd Ed Test Bank

Chapter 1

2 reviews for Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology 2nd Ed Test Bank

  1. Peter

    I’ve got my files ina short time. Thanks for the good and fast service.

  2. Nancy

    Always helpful

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